Thursday, February 18, 2021

Week 2: Initial Test and Water Change!

 Hello! Hanah here again✌😁

So today IS THE DAY of the first water change. I prepared the new conditioned water with all its treatments and plant nutrition. I sealed it in a 5gal bucket with Saran Wrap and tape to make sure nothing got in until I can buy a proper bucket with a lid from Home Depot or something! I couldn't change it yesterday since I need the water to be properly conditioned over 24hrs. I also began to label each syringe I would be using for each chemical and plant nutrition fluids and put those instruments in separate baggies, one for Tank Water chemicals and another for Plant nutrition chemicals.

However, I did go ahead and my first water test with the Fresh Water kit and recorded my initial data for the tank this week. Everything was good except the pH and the Nitrates. I was a little annoyed since this has been the issue since the passing of my other snail in the tank/: So, no. Not that good. Here is a picture of that.

Even though I'd be more alarmed if the Ammonia and Nitrites were high instead of Nitrates, this is still something I need to fix soon before Vincent(betta fish) and Gary(Nerite snail) begin to get affected. To my fortune, this is easily fixed with good and big water change. I decided to do an initial 60% water change to not stress the fish with a drastic change tonight. Every week, I will be checking the water for Nitrates and doing 20% water changes as needed until I can get the Nitrates level back to 0 ppm. Something awesome that I came to learn is that if the Nitrate levels increase, the pH levels decrease significantly. Realizing this honestly made me feel a little more confident of a good research question and a much better hypothesis revolving around these two variables. I'd love suggestions if you have 'em! Some of my constants will be temperature and volume, and waste(food digested by Vincent and Gary). I will also be controlling the amount of time I will be leaving the light on in the tank since I am currently having a big algae problem.

Vincent has been digging some of my front plants, so I will be replanting those. During the water change, I will be taking Vincent out into a separate small tank, including Gary,  to gently scrub the algae off of the plants and his house. I want to do some trimming to the dead leaves since that can also influence Nitrate spikes. I will also be doing a 50% change in the biofilter media just enough so there isn't too much sludge but enough so that the beneficial bacteria aren't disturbed. This IS the one thing that helps break down ammonia and nitrites and keep the cycle going, so we do NOT want to kill that.

I will be doing a water test again after 24 hours to see how things are, then check in a week again before the next water change.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Week 1 Spring2021!

Hello Everyone!

I'm super excited to finally be working on TRAIN stuff once more! I'm certain it has a lot, if not everything to do with the new research project that I jump-started a couple months back in the midst of COVID-19. I'm talking about my 5-gallon live plant aquarium which is currently housing a male red betta fish called Vincent and a snail called Gary. The was a smaller snail named Beetlejuice but he sadly passed unexpectantly, I'm sure he had already been a bit since when I got him. I'm hoping to be adding a second snail to give Gary some company soon, though. The main question for my research is whether or not I can create a balanced ecosystem in my fishes tank with the help of beneficial bacteria, live plants, light, in a 5gallon tank, and only having to worry about minimal water changes and monitoring the pH, temperature, ammonia levels, nitrites, and nitrates. so far I have successfully maintained the tank going for 5 months, and I've only had to change 25% of the water maybe every 3-4 weeks.

This next week, However, I will have to do a big water change, and also replace some of the biofilter media due to the sudden passing of one of my snails. I first noticed something off when I got a very high reading of nitrates in my tank which is harmful to the fish, and that's when I realized it was due to the decomposition of the dead snail.

I also got a bad case of green and black algae on my plants, so I did have to trim down some leaves to stop the decaying of some plants thanks to the ALGEA. 🍃

SO. It feels a bit like a downer, but this is also perfect because I get to give my tank a little restart just in time for TRAIN! I'll do the water change and filter stuff next coming week and will keep you all posted! Good luck and Happy Valentine's day!💖

Week 5: New snail has gone...Dormant?

So it has been a week since "Zoom" (snail 2) was added. Yes, that's the new name, it felt appropriate since this little dude z...